

Presented in 12th Emirates pathology, digital pathology Conference Holiday Inn Dubai, Al Barsha, UAE & Virtual
Speaker Name: Prof. Nadia Sam (Algeria)
Category: Oral Presentation
Keywords:  AphasiaNarrationCognitive flexibilityExaminationMonologuismMultilinguism
Research interest: NeuropsychologyCognitive psychology and Neurolinguistic

Introduction:  Communication means not only naming, counting, but also telling, narrating. The story is part of our daily life. However, this ability may be impaired following a brain injury affecting language areas and therefore caused phonetic, phonological, semantic, syntactic, and grammatical disorders. Besides these language deficits, impairments in executive functions such as cognitive flexibility can be associated. It is why it is important to include in language examination tests for assessing executive functions. However, these tests are lacking for aphasia (Spitzer & al., 2020) [1]. Moreover, we also found that few language and communication pathologists are interested in the narrative ((Larabi & Sam, 2022) [2]. These results are consistent with Pillon’s observations (Pillon, 2014) [3]. In this intervention, we will study the impact of cognitive flexibility on the aphasic patient’s narrative. For this purpose, we have opted for the comparative descriptive method based on a case study of monolingual, bilingual and trilingual aphasic patients (Kabyle, Arabic, French).
Our sample is composed of ten (10) subjects on whom we applied three (03) tests: test of the unusual stories (Sam, 2017) (Larabi & Sam, 2022) [2], test Rey’s picture (form A), test of the dams.
The results showed a significant impact of cognitive flexibility on narrative. Indeed, we found that working memory and selective attention are less affected in the bilingual and trilingual subject which can explain the best score in narration if we refer to the model proposed by Sam (2017) [2].

[1] Spitzer L, Binkofski F, Willmes K, Bruehl S. Executive functions in aphasia: A novel aphasia screening for cognitive flexibility in everyday communication. Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2020 Oct;30(9):1701-1719. doi: 10.1080/09602011.2019.1601572. Epub 2019 Apr 15. PMID: 30986127.
[2] Larabi, F.Z. & Sam, N.  (2022). The impact of working memory and attention selective on the narrative Algerian aphasic patient aged 25 to 60 years old. PhD thesis in language and pathologies communication – University of Blida 2. Algeria
[3] Pillon, A. (2014). L’évaluation des troubles de la production et de la compré[1]hension des phrases in Van Der Linden, Seron Traité de neuropsychologie de l’adulte vol 1, 2ème édition Ed De Boeck Solal
[4] Sam, N. Etude du récit de trois sujets aphasiques algériens parlant Arabe à partir d’une série d’histoires insolites in Al-Lysanyat. Algeria

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