Metastasis of Non-Pigmented Melanoma in the Breast – Case Report

Global Journal of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Volume 1, Issue 2, August 2021, Pages: 14-20
Received: April 11, 2021; Accepted: April 14, 2021; Published: June 6, 2021
Authors: Dr. ER Eremeeva, Dr. GR Setdikova, Dr. VA Kalyadin
Botkin City Clinical Hospital
introduction: Metastasis to the breast are rare with an incidence of 0,5–2% of all breast malignancies. Up to 80% of secondary breast tumors are hemoblastosis. The most frequent types of non-hematological tumors spreading to the breast were malignant melanoma (4%) and neuroendocrine tumors (2%). Both types of spread are common for metastatic melanoma: hematogenous and hypogenous. In this article, we present our own case. A 36-year-old woman with a left breast mass identified by PET KT. Radical resection of melanoma of the skin was performed in 2017 (BRAF+) pT2N1M0. After that, adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation therapy of the right inguinal-femoral area were performed. A local recurrence with further excision in 2018. In May 2020, metastasis was detected in the right lung. Atypical resection was performed. In January 2021, a palpable tumor of the left breast was discovered. The skin above the tumor is not changed, a rounded grey tumor of 12 mm is determined in the thickness. She subsequently underwent radical sectoral surgery. There is a solid structure with the presence resembled plasma cells, showing evidence of mitosis and less cytoplasm without clear pigmentation and diffuse lymphocytic infiltration in this tumor. The results of IHC: S-100 (+), melan A (+), HMB45 (+), ER (-), CK7 (-). Metastasis of tumors to the breast is a very rare phenomenon. The diagnosis of metastases to the breast from extramammary malignancies, and distinction from primary mammary malignancy, is important for patient management.
Keywords: Melanoma, Breast, Cancer, Metastases.
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To citation of this article: Dr. ER Eremeeva, Dr. GR Setdikova, Dr. VA Kalyadin, Metastasis of Non-Pigmented Melanoma in the Breast – Case Report, Global Journal of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine