HealthcareNursingPatient Safety

Possible Benefits of Healthcare Workers Becoming More Involved in Podcasts to Help Improve Their knowlede and Education by Expanding Their Evidence Based Practice

Mr. Carl Dowling

Unified Nursing Research, Midwifery & Women’s Health Journal
Authors: Mr. Carl Dowling
Affiliation: Paramedic Educator
Category: Abstract

Unified Citation Journals, 3(1) 10-11;
ISSN 2754-0944

Traditionally podcasts are known as a digital, audio or video file that can be streamed or downloaded from a website, or server via the internet. The first podcast was created in 2004, where the trend for the use of podcasts with healthcare workers began in 2008 in emergency medicine and critical care. The demand has increased over the years with educational podcasts emerging in various medical specialities including neurology, prehospital care, obstetrics, paediatric medicine and general surgery. In 2008 less than 10% of people in the United States of America reported listening to a podcast, where as in 2021 that number has now increased to 41% which was partly a result of the global pandemic. Podcasts have now been more focused on undergraduate medical education which can be facilitated by medical students who have used the platform to offer supplemental education to others. Qualified healthcare professionals are now able to choose from a wide range of topics and formats with podcasts including interviews, panel discussions and case studies. Podcasts are also able to provide time with experts in their field within healthcare including clinicians, researchers and policy makers.

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