Submit Manuscript

Submission Guidelines

Unified Citation Journals use simple and efficient ways to publish research articles. To submit your manuscript online, log in to your account here:
Unified Citation Journals aims to bring the latest research and innovation to the global community to making available to the researchers widely.

Manuscript Template
Click here to download the manuscript Below are the instructions to write a research paper:

  • Choose a topic of interest and challenges you.
  • Focus on limited aspects.
  • Select a subject you can manage
  • Avoid topics with the least scope, source, and materials.
  • Find information from different sources like the internet.
  • Use libraries, web sources and read and evaluate them as per your need.
  • Try to gather the full formation of a particular topic.
  • Provide precise & accurate information as a statement.
  • Explain your research subject and answer all questions.
  • Provide an eye-catchy and title that supports your research paper.
  • Study the standard structure for your manuscript.
  • Prepare an objective of your research paper.
  • Write important points like Title (Name of the Author, Affiliation, Email), Abstract, Introduction, Abstract body, Results, References.
  • Outline and organize information.
  • Analyze, Synthesize, sort & digest the information.
  • Write gathered information in your words and document the information correctly.
  • Present research work accurately in your words.
  • Start preparing your draft with the first topic and arrange the gathered information and write it in a necessary template (Download here)
  • Read the content and remove the errors in the content.
  • To make it clearly visit you should use facts and figures.
  • Organize content, modify, and rearrange as per the outline.
  • Typewrite the final version and proofread the article and make it neat and clean.
  • Be ready with your final version at least two days prior to the deadline.
  • Submit your manuscript here:

Follow the above instructions for manuscript guidance. Unified Citation Journals will e-mail you the acceptance and rejection of the research paper.


  • There should be no more than 5 authors.
  • Follow the Unified Citation Journals manuscript format
  • Times New Roman Font should be used.
  • Articles should be submitted in the word format.

Email us your below details in word/pdf format at

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PubMed Author ID:
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Send us your Manuscript:

*All fields are mandatory. To know Journals Shortcode, please visit: Journals

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