What are the effects of hostile environments on refugee and migrant children and young people accessing healthcare?

Unified Nursing Research, Midwifery & Women’s Health Journal
Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2020, Pages: 61-70
Received: Mar. 5, 2020; Accepted: Apr. 15, 2020; Published: Apr. 27, 2020

Authors: D. Martin, King’s College Hospital London



The hostile environment can be defined as a collection of immigration controls existing within public service providers across the UK. Financial and criminal punishment has been put in place to ensure employers, landlords, private-sector workers, NHS staff and other public sector servants are regularly checking people’s immigration status as they access services (Liberty, 2018).  Such harassing conduct is predominantly based on a person’s protected status, which includes age, gender reassignment, marital status, pregnancy, disability, race (including nationality, ethnicity, or national origin), religious beliefs, gender, or sexual orientation (UK Government, 2010). Due to the nature of these policies, those directly targets and innocent incorrectly involved can face barriers accessing housing, healthcare, education, work, setting up bank accounts, or getting a driver’s license (Liberty, 2018).

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To citation of this article: D. Martin, What are the effects of hostile environments on refugee and migrant children and young people accessing healthcare, Unified Nursing Research, Midwifery & Women’s Health Journal

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