Laboratory Sustainability – How to embed sustainable practices into the healthcare laboratory

Presented in 12th Emirates pathology, digital pathology Conference Holiday Inn Dubai, Al Barsha, UAE & Virtual
Speaker Name: Sheri Scott (UK)
Category: Oral Presentation
Keywords:  Clinical Laboratory Sustainability

Introduction:  Sustainability is the balance between the environment, equity, and economy. It is well documented that our changing climate is leading to more frequent heatwaves and extreme weather events such as flooding, with increasingly reported extremes appearing in our news headlines. As healthcare professionals, we have accepted that these climate events are impacting on the heath of the world and we recognise that there is a need for change.
As a profession we need to take action to move towards a more sustainable future. This presentation looks at what processes and practices in the healthcare laboratory can be adapted to reduce the carbon footprint. It explores where there are areas for improvement and what we can do in both our personal and professional lives to help our organisations and our ourselves embed sustainability into our practice.

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World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. Environmentally sustainable health systems: a strategic document 2017.
Marimuthu M, Paulose H. Emergence of sustainability-based approaches in healthcare: expanding research and practice. Procedia Soc Behav Sci 2016;224:554-61.
Buffoli M, Capolongo S, Bottero M, Cavagliato E, Speranza S, Volpatti L. Sustainable healthcare: how to assess and improve healthcare structures’ sustainability. Ann Ig 2013;25:411-8.
Greaves RF, Bernardini S, Ferrari M, Fortina P, Gouget B, Gruson D, et al. Key questions about the future of laboratory medicine in the next decade of the 21st century: a report from the IFCC-Emerging Technologies Division. Clin Chim Acta 2019;495:570-89.
Lopez JB, Jackson D, Gammie A, Badrick T. Reducing the Environmental Impact of Clinical Laboratories. Clin Biochem Rev. 2017 Feb;38(1):3-11. PMID: 28798502; PMCID: PMC5548370

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