Innovative Approaches and Best Practices in Dialysis Care in Global Settings

Prof. Jaime A. Leongson


In the face of the growing global burden of chronic kidney disease, the need for effective and accessible dialysis care has never been more urgent. This presentation will explore cutting-edge innovations and best practices in dialysis care, with a particular focus on their implementation and impact across diverse global settings. We will begin by highlighting the latest technological advancements in dialysis, including next-generation dialysis machines, portable and home dialysis solutions, and emerging wearable dialysis devices. These innovations have the potential to revolutionize patient care, particularly in low-resource and remote areas, by improving accessibility and treatment efficacy. Patient-centered care is essential in managing dialysis effectively.

This presentation will delve into best practices that prioritize holistic patient support, including psychological counseling, nutritional management, and comprehensive patient education. By fostering a multidisciplinary approach, we aim to enhance patient adherence to treatment plans and overall quality of life. The role of healthcare professionals, especially dialysis nurses, is crucial in delivering high-quality care. We will present successful training and education programs from various regions, demonstrating how continuous professional development can empower nurses with advanced skills and knowledge. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in achieving optimal patient outcomes.

Addressing global disparities in dialysis care is a critical aspect of our discussion. We will explore strategies for influencing healthcare policy and advocacy efforts aimed at ensuring equitable access to dialysis treatment worldwide. This includes improving resource allocation, developing sustainable healthcare infrastructures, and fostering international partnerships. The presentation will be enriched with case studies and success stories from different parts of the world, showcasing how innovative approaches and best practices have been successfully implemented to overcome local challenges and improve dialysis care. These real-world examples will provide attendees with practical insights and strategies that can be adapted to their own healthcare settings.

Join us as we navigate the future of dialysis care, where innovation and best practices converge to address global challenges, improve patient outcomes, and promote health equity across diverse settings


Prof. Jaime Leongson is a candidates of Doctorate in Business Administration at ESGCI- The International School of Management in Paris, France. He is a current Director of Nursing/Clinic Manager at US Renal Care Dialysis company which is based in the United States.  He possesses a Bachelor’s degrees in Nursing from Western Governors University, USA and a current and active dialysis nurse. He is also a  holder of bachelors and master degree in Math Education and has been a professor for more than 30 years. He has some publications published and can be found in Research Gate website.


Healthcare, Nursing & Health Sciences, Healthcare Simulation, Home Care Nursing Services, Advanced Healthcare, Types of Nursing in Healthcare, Public Health Nursing, Healthcare Leadership, Healthcare Management, Hospital Management, Internal Medicine, Pharmacology, Psychiatry and Mental Health, Healthcare Quality, Family Medicine, Child Health Advanced Nursing Practices during Pandemic, Nurse Protection during Pandemics, Oncology Nursing, Cardiac Nursing, Gynacology and Obstetrics Nursing, Nursing Education, Global Healthcare, Family Nursing, Men in Nursing, Nursing Care, Women Health Nursing, Infection Control, Healthcare Quality improvement, Tele Healthcare, Digital Healthcare, Healthcare Services, Healthcare Marketing

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