Global Journal of Genetics

Submit Manuscripts for Global Journal of Genetics

Journal Info:

Title of Journal Abbreviated: GJG
Published by: Unified Citation Journals
Periodicity: Six volume per year

Global Journal of Genetics publishes significant and original articles on all aspects of genetics (Genetic Engineering, Immunogenetics, Biometry, Clinical Genetics, Biochemical Genetics, Anthropogenetics, Genetic Epidemiology, Genetic Testing, and Gene manipulations, Genetic Counselling, Molecular Genetics, Cytogenetics and Population Genetics, etc) and molecular biology related to animals, plants, microorganisms, and humans. GJG aims to provide a platform for health professionals, scientists, and those who share a common understanding of human beings.
The journals publish current research, practical programs, Editorial, Review Article, Short Communications,  short notes, book reviews, professional announcements, and meetings reports articles.

Why publish in GJG:
Articles go through a peer-review process before publication, which ensures the high quality of published articles. GJG publishes clinical and medical studies to encourage readers on preliminary findings that may be helpful for their further studies.
All published articles are permanently archived and available at Unified Citation Webpage Authors can publish their research their case studies and reports, research, mini-reviews, editorials, short communications, etc. Unified Citation Journals aims to provide an all-around 24/7 access to the scientific data freely for all our readers across the planet and will guarantee scientific community high data availability in most updated digital formats. Unified Citation Journals publishes manuscripts including but not limited to following topics:

Agricultural Genomics Management of metabolic disorders
Allelic architecture of disease Marine and freshwater organisms
Animal Breeding and Nutrition Marine Biology
Animal Genetics Medical Genetics
Behavioral genetics Metabolic and Biochemical genetics
Biochemical genetics Mitochondrial genetics
Bioinformatics problems in drug design Molecular analysis
Biological Engineering Molecular and cell biology
Biotechnology Molecular genetics
Breeding and Protection of Plants Molecular pathology
Breeding Genetics and Pathology Neurogenetics, and population genetics
Cancer genetics Pharmacogenomics
Cell biology and Endocrinology Plant Biotechnology
Chemical genomics Plant Breeding and Genetics
Chromatin and transcription Plant Molecular Biology
Chromosome studies Plant Pathology
Clinical genetics Plant Protection
Clinical trial evaluation Plant Science
Cloning and expression Plant Tissue Culture
Crop Disease and Management Pollution and public health
Cytogenetics Poultry Infections Poultry diseases
Dairy Science & Technology Poultry Management
Developmental genetics Poultry Science
Dysmorphology Poultry Vaccine
Epigenetics Regulation of gene expression
Epigenomics Significant advances in genetics
Evolutional genomics Soil Microbiology
Gene therapy Soil Science
Genes in the pathology of human disease Strategies and technologies
Genetic counseling Toxicogenomics
Genetic counseling Transcriptomics
Genetic Disorders Vaccines and Vaccination
Genetic Engineering & Plant Breeding Veterinary Endocrinology
Genetic epidemiology Veterinary Epidemiology
Genetic principles Veterinary Immunology
Genetics and Pathology Veterinary Medicine
Genetics research Veterinary Molecular Biology
Genome evolution Veterinary Parasitology
Genomics Veterinary Pathology
Human Genetics Veterinary Pharmacology
Immunogenetics Veterinary Physiology
Immunology, Health, and Disease Veterinary Science
Infectious diseases Veterinary Surgery
Livestock Anatomy and Histology Veterinary Toxicology
Livestock and Poultry Management Veterinary Virology
Livestock Parasitology Wildlife and Habitat Management
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Genome and Systems Biology
Cytogenetics Medical Genetics and Genomic Medicine
Developmental Genetics Microbial Genetics
Epigenetics Molecular Genetics
Gene Editing Molecular Immunology
Gene Regulation and Expression Profiling Pharmacogenomics
Gene Therapies Population and Evolutionary Genetics
Genetic Analysis Quantitative and Computational Genetics
Genetic Disorders Genetics and Rare Diseases
Cloning Genetic Pollution
Eugenics Genetic Testing
Gene Knockin Genetically Modified Food
Gene Targeting Genetically Modified Food Controversies
Gene Therapy for Color Blindness Genetically Modified Plant
Genetic Enhancement Germinal Choice Technology
Genetic Erosion Human Genetic Engineering
Genetic Ethics Mitochondrial Biogenesis
Genetic Modification Nonreciprocal Translocation
Sperm-Mediated Gene Transfer Nucleofection
Spindle Transfer Overlap Extension Polymerase Chain Reaction
Synthetic Genomics Polymerase Cycling Assembly
Tetraploid Complementation Assay Recombineering
Transgene Regulation of the Release of Genetic Modified Organisms

Submission: Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts/papers electronically with mention journal title [GRJAIA] in the subject line (or) Submit your manuscripts/papers here:

Manuscript Template: Click here to download the manuscript
Contact the journal: Please do not hesitate to get in touch, get your queries clarified via the email address below:

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