From Speech Impediment To A Public Speaker With A Master’s Degree

Ms. Jete Vaughn

Unified Nursing Research, Midwifery & Women’s Health Journal
Author: Ms. Jete Vaughn
Affiliation: Grand Canyon Universities
Category: Abstract

Unified Citation Journals, (3) 6-7;
ISSN 2754-0944

Keywords: Jete Vaughn, Jete Vaughn MSNI, Jete Vaughn author, Jete Vaughn public speaker, and Safe whistle friend.

I had to overcome a speech impediment to unlock the endless opportunities in healthcare and as a public
speaker. I am going to break down my story into the 5R’s.

Ruination Narrative: My mother was told not to have me because the doctors told her I would be born, severely intellectually and physically delayed. My family’s faith was unmatched. My mother chose life. Then the ruination narrative started to come to life. When I started to struggle in school and my speech impediment was severe. I lost my voice and my self-esteem.

Running Narrative: Did anyone have a nickname growing up? Mine was Elmer Fudd because my speech impediment was so severe. To cope with the pain of my speech impediment and the trauma I endured privately. I ran from connections and became unsatisfied with all my achievements.

Retaliation Narrative: The Process of getting back my voice. I wrote a book: “ The Tree and the Brook, Running from Grace” where one of the characters has a whistle. My thoughts were if I sounded my whistle. I do not believe the people that hurt would have never done so. If they knew what I was to become. Then I created a safe whistle friend, that’s a person you can talk to about anything. Parents, Do you know your child’s safe whistle friend?

Restoration Rewritten Narrative: I could have stayed quite but I chose restoration. Close your eyes for one moment and about what your restoration looks like? Replay Rewrite your story and sound your whistle and do not suffer in silence like I did. You all are the first audience I have ever told this story to. Thank you for your time, I appreciate you.

Jete Vaughn has completed his master’s degree from Grand Canyon University She is a published author and a Public Speaker.

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