AI & Machine Learning Based Intervention in Medical Infrastructure: A review and Future Trends

Mr. Leelakumar Raja Lekkala

Unified Nursing Research, Midwifery & Women’s Health Journal
Author Name : 
Mr. Leelakumar Raja Lekkala
Category: Abstract
Keywords: Intelligence, Machine Learning, Machine Based Intervention, Medical Infrastructure, Future Trends, Medical Field, data privacy, ethical considerations, interdisciplinary collaboration.

Unified Citation Journals, 1(4) 1-10;
ISSN 2754-0944


Information technology has transformed various industries, including the healthcare sector. As such, the growing demand for faster algorithm development in life sciences, specifically Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), has placed significant pressure on researchers. This paper reviews the recent advancements in AI and ML-based solutions for healthcare systems. Furthermore, we analyze the effect of these technologies on medical infrastructure. This manuscript explores the efficacy of AI and ML-based approaches in enhancing healthcare delivery, diagnosis, and treatment outcomes. A comprehensive literature review was conducted, analyzing studies and initiatives that have employed AI and ML in various medical domains. The findings indicate that AI and ML interventions have demonstrated promising results in medical imaging analysis, predictive modeling, and personalized medicine. These technologies can potentially enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility of healthcare services, leading to improved patient outcomes. Nonetheless, challenges such as data privacy, ethical considerations, and the need for interdisciplinary collaboration remain. The implications of this research highlight the importance of integrating AI and ML into medical infrastructure while ensuring responsible deployment and addressing societal concerns. Further research should focus on addressing the barriers and evaluating the long-term impact of these interventions on healthcare systems.

Keywords: Intelligence, Machine Learning, Machine Based Intervention, Medical Infrastructure, Future Trends, Medical Field, data privacy, ethical considerations, interdisciplinary collaboration.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have emerged as transformative technologies with the potential to revolutionize various industries, including healthcare. In healthcare, AI and ML are immensely valuable for various applications, such as image analysis, medical imaging, and predictive modeling’s like diagnosis and prognosis (Kumar et al., 2023). The increasing availability of digital health records, medical imaging data, and vast amounts of clinical data have paved the way for leveraging AI and ML techniques to extract meaningful insights and support evidence-based decision-making. In the future, AI and ML will be integrated into various platforms, such as mobile health devices and wearable tech products. AI and ML can potentially optimize and transform medical infrastructure through increased diagnostic accuracy, timeliness, efficiency, improved patient outcomes, patient adherence to treatment plans, and reduced healthcare costs (Van der Schaar et al., 2021). However, the social impact of AI and ML-based approaches in medical domains require further investigation. Although these technologies have been proven effective in numerous studies, there is still a lack of evidence regarding the efficacy of such approaches for improving patient outcomes. The integration of AI and ML in medical infrastructure offers several advantages.

These technologies can analyze complex data patterns, detect subtle abnormalities, and accurately predict patient outcomes. AI and ML algorithms can aid in medical image interpretation, enabling early detection of diseases such as cancer and reducing diagnostic errors (Sujith et al.,2022). With the help of AI and ML, physicians can develop personalized treatment plans for individual patients. With modern diagnostic tools, patients can track their disease status with ease. Machine learning methods like regression analysis and neural networks are being deployed to analyze medical imaging data and detect significant patterns. The accuracy of these algorithms is not contingent on a human expert as they learn from practice, experience, and feedback from real-world data. Additionally, personalized medicine and treatment optimization can be achieved through AI-driven algorithms considering individual patient characteristics, genetic profiles, and treatment response data.

Despite the tremendous potential, successfully implementing AI and ML-based interventions in medical infrastructure requires careful consideration of various factors. Ethical considerations, data privacy, interoperability, and the need for interdisciplinary collaboration are critical aspects that must be addressed. Privacy and security are two major concerns for AI and ML-based interventions, as medical data is highly sensitive. However, AI and ML tools can potentially improve hospital efficiency, reduce operational costs, and reduce human errors in the medical setting (Barnawi et al., 2021). Medical professionals should be able to leverage the benefits of these technologies while mitigating the privacy risks. Given the significant implications and challenges associated with adopting AI and ML in medical infrastructure, this study aims to comprehensively analyze the current state of AI and ML-based interventions in healthcare. By examining the existing literature and highlighting key findings and implications, this research aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on integrating these technologies into medical infrastructure and improving healthcare outcomes. The study aims to shed light on the potential benefits, challenges, and future directions of AI and ML in medical infrastructure.


This study employed a qualitative literature review methodology to examine the current state of AI and ML-based interventions in medical infrastructure. The qualitative literature review approach allowed for a comprehensive analysis of existing scholarly publications, research studies, and industry reports. The academic search strategy included a comprehensive literature review of existing scholarly articles published between January 2018 and January 2023, using various sources such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, IEEE Xplore, SpringerLink, and Web of Knowledge. In addition, various industry reports related to AI and ML were also examined. The search terms included artificial intelligence, machine learning keyword, deep learning and machine intelligence, deep neural networks, or automated physician assistant (Hadley et al., 2020). The subject matter experts also provided insights into relevant studies and publications. The research process involved several key steps. Initially, a systematic search was conducted across various academic databases, including PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar.

The inclusion criteria for the literature review encompassed studies that focused on AI and ML-based interventions in medical infrastructure, including applications in diagnostics, treatment optimization, healthcare delivery, and patient outcomes. Only peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers, and reputable reports were considered for inclusion.

Following the initial search, a screening process was implemented to evaluate the relevance and quality of the identified articles. Abstracts and titles were reviewed, and articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Full-text articles were then assessed for their methodological rigor, empirical evidence, and relevance to the research objective. Screening results were recorded and a dossier was compiled for each article. The full-text articles were then assessed for their methodological rigor to establish the level of evidence.

Following the initial screening process, an in-depth literature review was performed for articles that met the inclusion criteria. Data extraction was performed to capture the selected articles’ key findings, methodologies, and implications. Themes such as the impact of AI and ML on healthcare outcomes, ethical considerations, challenges, and future directions were identified and analyzed. Throughout the review process, efforts were made to ensure the validity and reliability of the findings. Triangulation of data sources, rigorous data analysis, and peer review were conducted to minimize bias and enhance the credibility of the study.

The qualitative literature review approach may introduce selection bias, as the inclusion of articles depends on the search strategy and predefined criteria. The association between the variables may also be inferential and dependent on other factors. Moreover, the potential for experimenter confirmation bias was not entirely ruled out. However, triangulation of data sources and rigorous data analysis was performed to minimize these biases. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a set of technologies and systems replicating human cognitive functions using digital devices. AI can be deployed in various applications, including robotics, machine learning, computer vision, virtual assistants, autonomous vehicles, and drones. Furthermore, the analysis is based on existing literature and may not capture the most recent developments in the field.


The qualitative literature review revealed several key findings regarding AI and ML-based interventions in medical infrastructure. These findings shed light on the current state of research and highlight important implications for healthcare practice and policy. The results show that the review identified various AI and ML application areas in medical infrastructure, including diagnosis and imaging, predictive analytics, drug discovery, patient monitoring, and resource allocation. These technologies have shown promising results in improving accuracy, efficiency, and patient outcomes in these domains. For future trends, the technology will provide more opportunities to impact healthcare with advancements in cloud computing and other related standards such as 5G. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are expected to play a significant role in medical infrastructure as they use large amounts of data and feature vectors to improve outcomes. Moreover, this technology leverages data from various sources, including electronic health records, clinical guidelines, and research studies, allowing it to improve the accuracy of predictions. The findings demonstrate that AI and ML interventions have the potential to impact healthcare outcomes significantly.

Studies have reported improved diagnostic accuracy, reduced medication errors, enhanced treatment recommendations, and better patient monitoring through these technologies. The review highlighted the importance of addressing ethical considerations in implementing AI and ML-based interventions. Privacy and data security, algorithm transparency, accountability, and bias mitigation emerged as critical concerns that need to be addressed to ensure the responsible use of these technologies in healthcare. For the future directions, the findings suggest that most existing studies have relied on small sample sizes and limited diversity in terms of race, gender, and socioeconomic status (Hadley et al., 2020). To strengthen the evidence base for AI and ML-based interventions in healthcare delivery, future research must ensure adequate diversity in sample populations and conduct large-scale studies to increase statistical power.

The use of these technologies will have implications for workforce changes. AI-enabled systems are predicted to replace jobs such as radiologists, pharmacists and physicians. The findings indicate promising avenues for future research and development. These include the exploration of explainable AI and interpretable ML models, integrating AI with existing healthcare systems. The results of this qualitative literature review provide valuable insights into the current landscape of AI and ML-based interventions in medical infrastructure. These findings inform healthcare professionals, policymakers, and researchers about the potential benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations associated with the implementation of these technologies.


The findings of this qualitative literature review on AI and ML-based interventions in medical infrastructure have important implications for healthcare practice and policy. The results of this review align with previous research that has demonstrated the potential of AI and ML in various application areas of medical infrastructure. The study provides useful insights for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and researchers regarding the potential benefits, challenges and ethical considerations associated with implementing AI and ML-based interventions (Barnawi et al., 2021). These findings promote implementing these technologies designed to improve patient outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, and increase accessibility to care. The findings also highlight important ethical concerns that need to be addressed as these technologies are implemented in medical infrastructure. For example, it is critical to develop frameworks and guidelines concerning the responsible use of these technologies. The improved accuracy in diagnosis and imaging, the ability to predict healthcare outcomes, and the advancements in drug discovery are consistent with earlier studies. This suggests that AI and ML technologies continue to show promise in enhancing healthcare outcomes.



Field of Study

References Advantages Limitations and Future Research Directions
Robotic Surgeries Total operational time reduced by approximately -Improved accuracy in performing minute tasks such as stitching and knotting, Decreased probability of post-surgery infection
-Prevention of up to 77% blood losses

-Reduced total operational cost

Techniques focused on precision with limited attention to patient
High cost of initial setup
Need for further exploration of training
Disease monitoring Continuous monitoring to prevent hazardous situations Fine-tuning of ongoing treatment

Reduction of total

Diagnosis and prognosis



Prediction systems

Ability to plan better treatments

Accelerated research and development of medicines

Reduction of initial process time


Existing studies mainly focus on case-wise studies, need for generalized methodologies

otential for exploration in mixed datasets scenarios

Lack of emphasis on home-based monitoring

Comparatively high false positive

Table showing Advantages and Limitations of Existing Studies Employing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Healthcare

One key implication of this review is the potential for AI and ML interventions to transform healthcare delivery by improving efficiency and patient outcomes. The findings indicate that these technologies can reduce medication errors, enhance treatment recommendations, and enable better patient monitoring (Sujith et al.,2022). The results also confirm earlier studies that have shown promising results for AI and ML-based interventions in diagnosis. For example, deep learning algorithms can generate images with improved accuracy. The results suggest that applying AI and ML technologies to diagnose cancer or infectious diseases can improve accuracy of diagnoses, efficiency, and patient outcomes.

The ability to predict healthcare outcomes also provides a way to improve patient monitoring. Considerable research has been conducted using AI and ML to predict prognosis and measure health conditions through these technologies (Van der Schaar et al., 2021). However, it is crucial to acknowledge the ethical considerations associated with the implementation of AI and ML in medical infrastructure. Privacy and data security, algorithm transparency, and bias mitigation emerged as critical concerns. Addressing these issues will be essential to ensure these technologies’ responsible and ethical use. Healthcare organizations and policymakers should develop robust frameworks and guidelines to govern patient data collection, storage, and use in AI and ML systems.

Figure showing Machine Learning Based Intervention in Medical Infrastructure

Despite the potential benefits, several challenges and limitations must be addressed. Data availability and quality, interoperability issues, regulatory hurdles, and the need for a skilled workforce pose significant barriers to the widespread implementation of AI and ML interventions (Kumar et al., 2023). Future research should focus on developing solutions to overcome these challenges, such as creating standardized data formats, establishing interoperability standards, and providing training and education for healthcare professionals. Lastly, the development of AI and ML-based interventions in healthcare infrastructure will require significant investment. Healthcare organizations must ensure that they have the appropriate workforce to maintain these systems.


In conclusion, the findings of this qualitative literature review on AI and ML-based interventions in medical infrastructure are important for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and researchers. The findings support the use of AI and ML processes to improve healthcare outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, and increase accessibility to care. The transparency of algorithms is essential for healthcare professionals to trust and understand the decision-making process. Additionally, integrating AI and ML systems with existing healthcare infrastructure and electronic health records would facilitate seamless adoption and integration into clinical workflows. Regulatory policies need to be established to ensure the responsible deployment of AI and ML in healthcare. These policies should address issues such as algorithm certification, accountability for errors or biases, and monitoring of AI and ML systems in medical infrastructure. this qualitative literature review highlights the potential benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations of AI and ML-based interventions in medical infrastructure. The findings support previous research and emphasize the transformative impact of these technologies on healthcare outcomes. Addressing ethical concerns, overcoming challenges, and implementing regulatory policies are crucial steps in harnessing the full potential of AI and ML in improving healthcare delivery. Future research should focus on developing explainable models, addressing interoperability issues, and providing adequate training and support for healthcare professionals to leverage AI and ML in medical infrastructure effectively. This manuscript examined using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) interventions in medical infrastructure through a qualitative literature review.

The study explored the potential benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations associated with these technologies in healthcare. The implications of this study are manifold. Healthcare professionals, policymakers, and organizations must prioritize the development of robust frameworks and guidelines to govern the responsible use of AI and ML technologies. Steps should be taken to ensure the transparency and interpretability of algorithms and address interoperability issues and data standardization. Moreover, regulatory policies should be established to ensure algorithm certification, accountability, and monitoring of AI and ML systems in medical infrastructure.


Leelakumararaja is an accomplished Senior Data Analyst with a strong background in the information services industry. With expertise in Business Process Improvement, Resource Management, Service Delivery, Testing, and Transition Management, Leelakumararaja has consistently delivered outstanding results throughout his career. Based in Louisville, Kentucky, United States, Leelakumararaja holds a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) in Finance from Pondicherry University. Leelakumararaja’s 22 years of professional journey spans several notable roles, showcasing his exceptional skills and contributions. At OPTUM SERVICES, INC., he serves as a Senior Data Analyst (Grade 28), a position he has held since November 2022. In this role, Leelakumararaja excels in data analysis and plays a key role in developing strategies and executing initiatives to maximize revenue streams for the Data Mining team. Collaborating closely with Clinical Subject Matter Experts, he contributes to developing models and concepts, infusing intelligence into internal products and business workflows to optimize and improve overpayment identification in the Data Mining organization. Additionally, Leelakumararaja identifies new potential data sets, explores advanced analytics opportunities, and implements Robotic Automation to enhance accuracy and efficiency.


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  2. Hadley, T. D., Pettit, R. W., Malik, T., Khoei, A. A., & Salihu, H. M. (2020). Artificial intelligence in global health—a framework and strategy for adoption and sustainability. International Journal of Maternal and Child Health and AIDS9(1), 121.
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  4. Sujith, A. V. L. N., Sajja, G. S., Mahalakshmi, V., Nuhmani, S., & Prasanalakshmi, B. (2022). Systematic review of smart health monitoring using deep learning and Artificial intelligence. Neuroscience Informatics2(3), 100028.
  5. Van der Schaar, M., Alaa, A. M., Floto, A., Gimson, A., Scholtes, S., Wood, A., … & Ercole, A. (2021). What an artificial intelligence and machine learning can help healthcare systems respond to COVID-19. Machine Learning,110, 1-14.Upcoming Conferences;
    1. 12th International Nursing, Healthcare and Patient Safety Conference from July 25-27, 2023 in Holiday Inn Dubai, Al Barsha, Dubai, UAE.
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    2. 13th American Healthcare & Hospital Management Summit from November 15-18, 2023 in Los Angeles, USA.
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    3. 13th World Nursing, Healthcare Management, and Patient Safety Conference in Los Angeles, USA on November 15-18, 2023
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